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distance = rate * time

80 km = r * 38 minute

r = 80 km / 38 min * 1000 m/km * 60 seconds/minute = 4800000/38 ~= 126315.79 m/s

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Q: Velocity of a car that travels 80 km in 38 min convert to meters and seconds?
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If rob travels on a skateboard meter in 3 seconds what is the velocity?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. To calculate the velocity of Rob on a skateboard, we need to know the distance he traveled in meters and the direction of his motion. If Rob travels 10 meters in 3 seconds, the velocity would be 10 meters/3 seconds = 3.33 m/s (assuming no change in direction).

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To convert 1 kilometer to meters, multiply by 1000. So, 1 kilometer is 1000 meters. To convert 4.1 minutes to seconds, multiply by 60. So, 4.1 minutes is 246 seconds. The velocity of the bicycle would be 1000 meters / 246 seconds = 4.07 meters per second west.

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The student's velocity is 4 meters per second. Velocity is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, 20 meters divided by 5 seconds equals 4 meters per second.

If a car travels 3.2 meters in 7.256 seconds what is the average velocity?

The average velocity is calculated by finding the distance traveled and dividing by the time it took to go that far. In high school, many people learn rate x time= distance. The rate is the average velocity.In this case we have 3.2/7.256=.441013 meters per second. Note the units are meters and seconds so the velocity we have it meters per second. We can convert this to any other units once we have this. Much as mile or meters per hour.

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900 m/s velocity=meters/sec v=4500/5=900

How far does an object travel if its velocity is 25.5 meters per second north and it travels 85 seconds?

Distance = Velocity*Time = 25.5*85 metres = 2167.5 metres.

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What is the speed of a rocket that travels 9000 meters in 12.12 seconds-?

A rocket that travels 9000 meters in 12.12 seconds moves at 742.5742 meters/second which is approx 1660 mph

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

Wave speed that travels 4 meters in 2 seconds?

4 meters/2 seconds = 2 meters/second.