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vertical signs generally give instructions or tell you the law.

horizontal signs give directions or information

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Q: Vertical signs give direction or information and horizontal signs give instructions or tell you the law?
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How are vertical and horizontal definrd?

Vertical is defined as the direction or position that is perpendicular to the plane. Horizontal is defined as to be parallel to the horizon.

How is the motion in the vertical direction affected by motion in the horizontal direction?

The motion in the vertical direction is independent of the motion in the horizontal direction. This means that an object can move vertically without affecting its horizontal motion and vice versa. The two motions can occur simultaneously without one influencing the other.

How do you spell the opposite of vertical?

The opposite (perpendicular direction) of vertical is horizontal, meaning side to side.

What direction is horizontal?

The way to remember it is horizontal is like the horizon, so flat like this: ___________________________________________________________ That was a horizontal line. Vertical is the other way (so up and down): | | | | | | | That was a vertical line.

Is it true that the vertical component of the projectile motion of an object depend on initial velocity only?

Yes, in projectile motion, the vertical component of motion is influenced by the initial velocity in the vertical direction. The horizontal and vertical components of motion are independent of each other, with the horizontal component being influenced by the initial velocity in the horizontal direction.

What is the sum of all forces applied to an object It usaually separated into a horizontal and vertical component?

The sum of all forces applied to an object is called the net force. This net force can be separated into horizontal and vertical components using vector analysis. The horizontal component affects the object's motion in the horizontal direction, while the vertical component affects the object's motion in the vertical direction.

When can a nonzero vector have a zero horizontal component?

When the direction of the vector is vertical. Gravitational force has zero horizontal component.

Is how high and how long the same?

No. Generally, "high" refers to the extent in the vertical direction and "long" in the horizontal direction.

How many forces are acting on hinged support?

Two, one in the vertical direction and the other in the horizontal direction

What is the rate of change for linear equations?

It is the gradient: the change in the vertical direction divided by the change in the horizontal direction.

What direction should buttonholes be make on a blouse horizontal or vertical?

when making a blouse you should create Vertical buttonholes

What is the direction of oblique projectile at highest point?

At the highest point of its trajectory, the direction of an oblique projectile will be horizontal. This means that the projectile will momentarily have zero vertical velocity and only horizontal velocity.