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Q: WHAT ARE THE ANSWERS TO IS-318 Mitigation Planning for Local and Tribal Communities?
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How did the roman government use denocracy?

During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.

Why would the authors son think there 13 months in a year?

Because in the native tribal calender the are 13 full moons in a year.

Why would author son think there are 13 months in a year?

Because in the native tribal calender the are 13 full moons in a year.

What languages has the Bible been translated into?

Every major language on earth, and parts of it into many hundreds of tribal languages spoken only by a small number of people.

Are there any Christian prophecies about Ireland?

There are no specific prophecies in the Bible mentioning Ireland by name. However, some extra-biblical sources say that some of the tribe of Dan migrated to Ireland and they left their 'mark' or signpost of their tribal ancestor "Dan" behind in the form of placenames that contained "D-n" because Hebrew names do not have any vowels. That is, the names could therefore have dan, den, din, don, or dun in them eg Donegal, Dingle, Dublin. [Make of this as you will]

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What communities make up Ogoniland?

ogoniland is made up of tribal communities

What steps has the government taken to uplift tribal communities?

The life of tribal groups was directly connected to forests.

What are pastoral communities?

pastoral communities are the communities which are related to shepherds or herders they live in groups and are of various types like the tribal communities......... the language and tradition varies from one group to the another..

What is ujjwal prathibha exam?

Ujjwal Prathibha is an exam conducted by the Tribal Welfare Department in Maharashtra, India to identify meritorious students from tribal communities and provide them with scholarships to further their education. It aims to encourage and support talented individuals from these communities to excel academically.

Why did tribal start?

Tribal societies emerged as early humans formed kinship-based communities for survival and social organization. These communities relied on cooperation, shared resources, and mutual protection. Tribal structures offered a sense of belonging and security, facilitating group cohesion and collective decision-making.

How agriculture changed in tribal area?

Agriculture in tribal areas has evolved with the introduction of modern farming techniques, machinery, and improved seeds. This has led to increased productivity and food security for tribal communities. However, there are challenges such as land degradation, displacement, and loss of traditional farming practices that need to be addressed to ensure sustainable development in tribal agriculture.

What is thefunctions of musical instrument in the music traditions cordellera ethnic tribal communities and aetas?

tanong mo kay simsimi

How many tribal in the Philippines?

There are currently 110 recognized indigenous cultural communities or tribes in the Philippines. Each tribal group has its own unique language, customs, and traditions that contribute to the rich cultural diversity of the country.

Is tribal knowledge offensive or degrading?

Tribal knowledge can be seen as offensive or degrading when it perpetuates stereotypes or undermines the value of diverse perspectives and experiences. It is important to be mindful of how language and terminology can impact different cultures and communities.

How can tribal languages be protected?

Tribal languages can be protected through initiatives such as language revitalization programs, creating opportunities for language immersion, documentation of languages through recordings and written materials, and supporting education in tribal languages in schools and communities. It is also important to involve the tribal community in decision-making processes related to language preservation efforts.

What is a noun for tribal?

"Tribe" is a noun that refers to a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties.

How the life of tribal different from that of the city dwellers?

Tribal life often revolves around close-knit communities with a strong connection to nature and traditional customs. City dwellers, on the other hand, tend to experience a faster-paced lifestyle, greater access to modern amenities, and more diverse cultural experiences. The role of family, social structure, and daily activities can vary significantly between tribal communities and urban settings.