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What does a polygon with all right angles look like?

A square

What does a hexagon with all right look like?

It is not possible to have a hexagon with all right angles.

What would a pentagon look like with all angles obtuse?

The interior angles of any regular pentagon, no matter the size, are all obtuse.

Where do you find angles?

Angles are everywhere basically. If you are looking for angles in a square, they are the corners. There are four angles in a square and all of them are 90 degrees, therefore, all of them are right angles. Usually, when someone is giving you a problem to find angles, the right angles are the easiest to find because A) they look like the corners of a square. B) They sometimes have little squares in the bended part of the angle. Acute angles are ones that look like a triangle, and obtuse angles are opened widely.

What does a rhombos look like?

__ \__\ Assume that all sides are equal and opposite angles are congruent.

What do regular triangles look like?

all regular triangles has 60degreeson each angles.

What do left angles look like?

there is no such thing as left angles.

What does a parallelogram with a 90 degree angle look like?

It looks like (and is) a rectangle. All angles will be 90 degrees.

What do all polygons look like with their names?

They are named for the number of sides and angles their shape posses. For example, an octagon has both eight sides and angles.

What do angles look like?

Right angles are 90 degrees. | | | | | _________ This is what a right angle looks like.

What does a acute triangle look like?

All 3 interior angles are less than 90 degrees.

What do right angles look like?

Right angles are 90 degrees. | | | | | _________ This is what a right angle looks like.