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What value is 547 rounded tothe nearest hundred?

547 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500. This is because the value of the tens place "4" is less than 5. When rounding anything greater than or equal to 5 gets rounded up.

What is 967 rounded tothe nearest ten?

967 rounded to the nearest tenths is 970. This is because the value in the ones place "7" is greater than 5. When rounding anything greater than or equal to 5 gets rounded up while everything below 5 gets rounded down.

What is intangible value in customer service?

It isrelating tothe customer that you sincerely care abouthelping them and instil a reason for repeat business. It isrelating tothe customer that you sincerely care abouthelping them and instil a reason for repeat business.

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The nearest value is that which is represented by itself: no other value can be nearer So the answer is 12.84

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Its nearest value is that which is represented by itself: no other value can be nearer So the answer is 1000.

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the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places is 3.14159

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The value of 321 rounded up to the nearest tens place is 330.

What is the value of rounded to the nearest hundredth?

It is

What is this to the nearest million?

"This" is not a number and so has no numeric value. To the nearest million, it is zero.

What is the tens place value for 127.869?

To the nearest ten: 130 To the nearest tenth: 127.9 2 is in the tens place value position