A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation for one twenty fifties = 1*20*50 = 1000.
thirteen fiftieth as decimal = 0.26
one and twenty three hundredths in decimal form = 1.23
Fifty and twenty one hundredths in decimal form is 50.21.
Write twenty-one hundredthe as a decimal
It is 1950.
thirteen fiftieth as decimal = 0.26
twenty-one hundredths is;= 0.21 in decimal= 21/100 in fraction
one and twenty three hundredths in decimal form = 1.23
.96 is decimal form of twenty one twenty fifths.21/25 = 0.84 (multiply numerator and denominator by four)
One hundred twenty-fifth as a decimal is 100.25 in numbers. This is used in math.
Fifty and twenty one hundredths in decimal form is 50.21.
I think you mean one and twenty hundredths which is: 1.20