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It identifies you. It gives some information about the person. It is not a count or a total or an average, or any numeric kind of information. While it does have the word number in it, it is not counting anything. You never add social security numbers together, or get the average social security number or do any other such numerical calculation with them. You do that with quantitative data.

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Q: WHY Is a social security number qualitative?
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Is a social security number qualitative or qualitative?


Is a social security number qualitative or quantitative data?


Social security numbers numeric values therefore social security is an example of?

Since social security numbers have numeric values, a social security number is an example of a qualitative variable.

Social security number qualitative or quantitative?

A social security number is qualitative data. It is made of numbers, but it is not a total or a count or an average etc., and you never do any numerical calculations with it. It just uniquely identifies an individual.

Are social security numbers quantitative or qualitative?

Social security numbers are considered qualitative data because they serve as unique identifiers for individuals rather than representing a specific numerical value or measurement.

How do you buy a Social Security number?

You don't buy a social security number. You go to your local social security office and apply to receive your own personal social security number.Buying a social security number is against the law.

What are examples of personally identifiable information (PII)?

Social security number.

What number is issued by the government through the social security?

Social security number

Is a number issued by the government through the social security?

Social security number

What is a number issued by the government by the social security department?

Social security number

How do you get a virtual Social Security number?

You can't. You can only get a valid Social Security number through the Social Security Administration; anything else is fraudulent.

How do you find where someone is employed using their social security number?

You do not. Use of the Social Security number is the exclusive venue of the Social Security Administration as established by the Social Security Act.