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Q: WHY don't the dates of the maximum and minimum temperatures coincide with the dates of the maximum and minimum insulation?
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Why don't the dates of maximum and minimum temperatures coincide with the dates of maximum and minimum insolation?

The dates of maximum and minimum temperatures do not coincide with the dates of maximum and minimum insolation because temperature is not only affected by the amount of incoming solar radiation but also by factors like cloud cover, humidity, and heat capacity of the surface. These factors can cause delays in the heating and cooling of the Earth, resulting in differences between the timing of maximum insolation and maximum temperature.

What are the minimum and maximum for mean ocean temperatures?

Minimum= -8 Maximum= 30

What are the maximum and minimum temperatures in Iraq?

in Iraq the temperature's maximum point is about 70 degrees and the minimum is about 0-10

What are the three cardinal temperatures?

minimum, optimum and maximum temp

What is Uranus' minimum and maximum temperature?

Ave/max temperature: -200°C Minimum temperature: -214°C

What is a cardinal temperature?

It is the minimum, maximum and optimum temperatures of plant growth and development.

What are the temperatures of the five planets closest to the sun?

For the planets Mercury and Mars, their maximum and minimum temperatures are listed:* Mercury (minimum = -184 °C; maximum = 465 °C) * Venus (average = 449 °C)* Earth (average = 7.2 °C)* Mars (minimum = -123 °C; maximum = 36 °C)* Jupiter (average = -153 °C)

What are uses of 6s maximum minimum thermometer?

A 6s maximum minimum thermometer is commonly used to measure the highest and lowest temperatures reached over a period of time, such as a day or a week. It is often used in meteorology, agriculture, and environmental monitoring to track temperature fluctuations accurately.

What is the application of a Six's thermometer?

A Six's thermometer is typically used in meteorology to measure the minimum and maximum temperatures over a period of time. It consists of two mercury columns that are moved by the mercury in the thermometer to indicate the highest and lowest temperatures reached.

Which instrument is used to measure the maximum and minimum temperature of the day?

A maximum-minimum thermometer is typically used to measure the highest and lowest temperatures of the day. This type of thermometer contains two scales that can be set manually to record the highest and lowest temperatures reached within a specific period.

What do the temperatures range from in callisto?

The minimum is 80 K, the maximum is 165 K. To convert Kelvin to Celsius, subtract 273.

What is the maximum and minimum temperature in Hyderabad city in India from 25.1.2010 to 31.1.2010?

The minimum and maximum temperatures in Hyderabad (India) during December would be 7-10 C and around 25C, respectively. But one thing to note is that the weather in Hyderabad is not consistent all thru winter with random increase and decrease in temperatures.