

WHat is the incidence of twins?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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to eye that make together

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Q: WHat is the incidence of twins?
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What are rachipagus conjoined twins?

The twins that are connected from the Dorsal or rear union at the spine. Very rare incidence.

How common are fraternal twins?

In the US, the incidence of fraternal (dyzygotic) twins is 32 in 1000 live births.

What cultural race has the highest incidence of twins?

The Yoruba people of Nigeria have the highest incidence of twins in the world, with about 45-50 twin births per 1,000 deliveries. This high rate of twinning is attributed to genetic factors and diet in the Yoruba population.

Do fraternal twins only run on mother's side?

Yes. Fraternal twins are due to two eggs being released. No - If they are on either side of the family, the incidence of twin pregnancy is increased, whether they run on the mum's side or the dad's side. And in addition to the above answer, fraternal (non-identical) twins are due to two different eggs being fertilised by two different sperm.

What is the formula for angle of incidence?

The formula for calculating the angle of incidence is: Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection. The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence.

The angle of reflection is equal to the .......?

The angle of incidence

What is the angle of incidence to the normal incidence?

The angle of incidence is the angle between the incident ray and the normal (perpendicular line) to the surface. In normal incidence, the incident ray is perpendicular to the surface, so the angle of incidence is 0 degrees.

What is plural for incidence?

The plural form of incidence is incidences.

What is a sentence for angle of incidence?

The angle of incidence is the angle formed between an incident ray and the normal to a surface at the point of incidence.

What is the incidence of tax?

Tax incidence refers to who actually pays the tax. Tax incidence can be divided into 1. formal incidence :the party liable to the tax 2. Informal incidence :party who actually pays the tax, The tax incidence is decided by the elasticity of demand and supply for a good or service.

What is the difference between legal incidence and effective incidence?

The legal incidence is on the person or company who is legally obliged to pay the tax. Effective incidence refers to who actually ends up paying the tax.

When will the incidence and prevalence of a disease be equal?

The incidence will equal the prevalence when the duration of the disease is equal to the time period over which the incidence is measured.