No. With some exceptions at the end of each century, the leap years are those that are divisible by 4.
When it is not a leap year, there are 31 days in December, as there are when it is a leap year.
2013 is not a leap year.2012 is a leap year, and the next will be 2016. When there is a leap year, leap day is always on February 29.If 2013 was going to be a leap year February 29th would fall on a Friday.
Aeap year happens every 4 years when you can divide year by 4 (unless ending in 00 unless you can divide by 400 evenly) 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 That is 10 leap years since 1969
365, and 366 on a leap year 365, and 366 on a leap year
The probability is very close to 0.25 A year is a leap year if the number is divisible by 4 - except if the number is divisible by 100 it is not a leap year - except if the number is divisible by 400 it is a leap year. So, in a 400-year period there are 97 leap years. The probability or relative frequency of leap years is, therefore, 97/400 = 0.2425
no, because the year has to be divisible by 4 for it to be a leap year.
The year 1969 was not a leap year, as 1969 is not divisible by 4. Therefore, the year 1969 contained 365 days.
1972 was the only leap year between 1969 and 1975.
3080 will be a leap year.
1776 was a leap year
No. If the year number can be divided by four then it's a leap year. 2012=Leap year.
2112 will be a leap year. If you meant 2012, then it too was a leap year.
Yes 2016 is a leap year.
no,the next leap year is 2012!No, it is not a leap year.
2052 will be a leap year.
The year 3300 will not be a leap year.
The year 2225 is not a leap year.