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Q: Was Pythagoras paid for his job?
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What was Pythagoras job?

Pythagoras Job Was A Mathmatician and Invented The Theoram

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His father was a merchant.

What job did Pythagoras have?

Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician. He's famous for inventing the Pythagorean theorem a2 + b2 = c2

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They get paid for every job they do. How much they get paid for a job depends on who the job is for.

When did Pythagoras go to crotton?

go get a job and tell your teacher that Pythagoras doesn't matter and then tell her that know one cares about MATHS! Hope you liked my answer

What did Pythagoras do for a living?

It depends on if you think teaching is a job. If you do, then his job was teaching. Although he wasn't a teacher like teachers today, he created and taught at his school, Crotone, in Italy. He also had his special circle of privileged students who were sworn to secrecy and he reveled to them his "Pythagorean Theorem". If you don't, then he did not have a job. He did not get paid to teach students, so he did not have a regular income of money, but in his situation, he didn't need money, for his students would get him whatever he would need ,like food. I, personally, think that he did have a job, it was just not the usual type. But it changes based on how you look at what Pythagoras did.

How do actors get paid?

of cource. its a job. and u et paid in a job. but yeah they do. they get get paid alot. :)

Kid should get paid?

Well, if they are doing a job then they should get paid for that job.

What job gets paid the best?

the job that gets paid the best........being famous

Is cheerleading a job?

Not in the sense of a paid job.

Did Pythagoras have a gob?

Yes. He had a gob right on the carpet. Filthy habit (I think you mean a job. He didn't have a job, but he was a philosopher, a mathmatitian and an astronomer).

Did jesus get paid for his job?

Here which job sre you asking, if it is his three years ministry he did not get paid for that.