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Q: Was about 6.8 billion people What mass of glucose in would be needed to provide 1700?
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In earth science what is needed by cells to do work?

In order for a cell to work it needs glucose or/and energy. These are the only ones that people say.

The main function of glucose is to?

Main function of glucose is to provide energy through biological oxidation. Human brain can use glucose only as a source of energy. ( Except people living on north pole on high lipid diet are adapted to use lipids partially and they are almost immune to heart attack.)

How much money is needed to end world hunger?

The cost of providing one billion people with 250 kilograms of grain every year is approximately $40 billion dollars a year. That would seem to be a lot of money, but with one billion people to pay, it is no big deal: $40 a year!

Where one can get a free glucose meter?

There are selected companies, including OneTouch, that will provide free glucose meters to people who qualify. Companies offer this service as their unique strips must be purchased to go in the meters.

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To provide revenues for government programs needed to protect the free market.

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They provide help to any of those people that are most needed of it and also donate and just make people feel that they can relie on this organisation.

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yes of course.As India is a land of one billion,it surely needed to be a helps to reflect the needs of the people

Can any ship take 1000 billion people at a time?

1000 billion?? or 1000 people? i don't think 1000 billion people live in this world. how can a passenger ship take 1000 billion people? NO.

How many billion people are there in the world?

6.8 Billion people world wide.

What is 75 percent of 6 billion people?

That would be 4.5 Billion People.

Would one billion people be 3 percent of 6684 billion people?
