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Negitive, because explorers killed and raped Natives and told all their kids at home saying, 'we found America' when they did not!

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Q: Was the age of exploration more positive or negative?
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Why do you need to know absolute value?

You need to know what abs() means, because you need to apply the mathematical operation sometimes. a) sometimes, you don't care about the sign, because you know, 100% sure, that the answer has to be positive (such as a person's height or age). Dealing with all positive numbers make calculations faster and writing clearer. b) You need to plot the values of a quantity in logarithmic scale, and the quantity acquires a negative sign because of the measurement technique or the instrument's readouts. Computers cannot calculate the logarithm or square root of a negative number. c) You don't want the program to bomb/abort when the square root or logarithm of a negative number during program executions. d) The instrument is measuring a very small number and sometime the readout can turn negative but meaningless. Take the absolute value eliminates headaches of fautly arithmetic operations later. ===============================

How do alcoholic fathers affect their daughters self esteem?

Children develop their values and social culture from the environment within which they are raised. Your emotional intelligence is shaped by the quality of care and attention you receive from a baby to approximately ten years of age. If you become fixated in the negative things in your life, you could get lost in self-pity and you may be psychologically drawn into relationships with alcoholic partners. You have to consciously remove yourself from the negative aspects of your situation and focus your attention on the positive direction you want for yourself.

What are the positive and negative affects of YouTube?

Youtube can be used in good ways, such as learning, teaching, or for fun. But its also Almost completely unfiltered, so theres lots of videos with content that is inappropriate for younger viewers. Comments can also have language in them. But most videos are safe overall. Most parenting websites say that a good age is 12-13 to start using.

By the age of 6 or at the age of 6?

they both mean the same thing , though by the age of 6 is usually used more for an accomplishment . for example by the age of 6 he knew how to ride a bike. by the age of 6 sounds more intelligent and exciting. A different answer: "By the age of six" means at any age up to and including six, while "At the age of six" means only during that one year.

With a BAL of 0.8-009 a female driver age 16-20 is?

A female driver with a BAL of .08 to .09 is legally intoxicated. In fact, any level of BAL in the positive for anyone is illegal for anyone under the age of 21.

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Did the age exploration have a positive or negative effect on humanity?

It had a positive effect on the world, but for the humans those times it was a negative effect. Bcuz the Portuguese took slaves from Africa. so it was bad for humanity. But if the age of exploration hadn't happened the united states wouldn't be here. So it also has a positive effect. It depends on how u look at it.

What are some positive aspects of the age of exploration?

they recieved a new trade routethey had national pridefamemoneywealthforegin goods

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God, Glory, Gold were the Main motives for the Age of Exploration.

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no correlation.

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Why were rulers willing to sponsor voyages during the age of exploration?

The Age of Exploration had a great impact on geography. Explorers travelled around the world to different regions to learn more about Africa and America and brought back their knowledge to Europe. The first country that started the Age of Exploration was Portugal while under the leadership of Henry the Navigator.

Is peer pressure more of a negative or positive event in a child life?

It can be both according to what the child is being pressured into doing or saying. If the child is of an age where they are unable to think or reason things out for themselves, then even positive suggestions can turn out, in the long run, to become negative. The behaviour of parents or siblings can have a positive or negative affect upon a child, without the route cause knowing they are the problem or the ideal.

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It didnt impact the age of exploration

Negative effects on the age of exploration?

Negative effects of the Age of Exploration include land displacement of indigenous populations, spread of diseases leading to population decline, and exploitation of resources leading to environmental degradation. Additionally, the colonization and forced assimilation of native peoples resulted in the loss of cultural identities and traditions.

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