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Q: Was the first type of problem-solving court?
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When was the first tennis court build in the US?

nooo. it was built in holland! if ya dont believe me go to and type in where was the first tennis court built?

What type of cases does the supeme court hear first?

cases on constitutional matters

Which type of court is not a trial court?

A Tennis Court. Or a Squash Court.

Can a court order you to give home to ex and make you leave mortgage in your name?

Yes. A court has the authority to render that type of decision.Yes. A court has the authority to render that type of decision.Yes. A court has the authority to render that type of decision.Yes. A court has the authority to render that type of decision.

According to the problemsolving strategies you've learned so far once you have come up with a solution to the problem you should return to the equation and make sure your answer satisfies it?


What traffic court is an example of what type of court?

lower court

What is a type of court that reviews the trial court's decision?

appelate court

Is a criminal court different to a crown court?

The Crown Court is a type of Criminal Court.

What type of court do sw Asia?

lesgislative court

What type of court reviews cases that were appealed to it?

An appellate court