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It's a bottom line initiative because they don't try to reduce the prices or improve the service to get more customers. They just want to clarify their contracts and make them more reliable for not spending much of their profits to suppliers. THey just try to reduce their costs and save their income, so this is a bottom line initiative.

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Q: Was the focus of Carlson's use of a business intelligence a top-line initiative or a bottom-line initiative?
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Explain the role of Quantitative techniques in making business decisions?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) RFP Template (FREE sample)Description: A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system model embeds modules like Business-to-Business (B2B) CRM, Marketing Automation, Sales Force Automation, Customer Service and Support, Partner Management, Contract Management and Creation, Project and Team Management, Business-to-Consumer (B2C) CRM, Internet Sales, E-Mail Response Management, B2C Analytics and Business Intelligence, ther CRM-Related Application Areas, E-mail marketing, Customer reference, Commission management, Field service, Relationship capital management, Survey software, Sales proposal software, Product and price configuration, Web conferencing, Mobile computing, Channel management, Retail solutions, Technical Functionality and Support, Business Functionality, Technical Functionality, and Ongoing CRM Solution Support Business Intelligence (BI) RFP Template (FREE sample)Description: A Business Intelligence (BI) model embeds modules like Business Performance Management (BPM), Core Analytics, Application-Centered Data Warehouse, Analysis and Exploration Tools, Alerting and Notification Systems, Scorecards, Portals, and Dashboards, Integrated Reporting and Queries, Workflow, Mobile Options, Industry Vertical Module Availability, Product Technology, and Technical Support

What is extreme data?

There are three dimensions to Extreme Data - volume, velocity, and variety, - and management of these dimensions is critical when it comes to winning the battle for control of enterprise data amid the conflicting requirements of business intelligence and reporting vs. data mining and statistical analysis. Management of the data is often part of an Information Lifecycle Management strategy (ILM) or Nearline approach.

Meaning of business conference?

The meaning of business conference is business associates meeting to discuss important business matters. Sometimes the conference consists of different businesses.

What is the roles of quantitative technique in business?

What is the role of quantitative technique in business?

How you can take benefit of Business Statistic in business management?

the benefits of

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