write a story where a real problem is solved by someone using math. this original story must be at least 700 words long
A number story is is a math problem in a couple sentences. For you to be able to answer the equation you have to use division
a problem is a conflict or a question and its solved by thinking how u would do fix the problem
A problem you cant think of.
The math problem 4.6 x 0.7 can be solved by multiplying. The answer to this problem would be 3.22. This math problem can easily be solved by elementary students and higher.
The problem in a story is typically solved during the resolution or climax, which is the point where the main conflict is addressed and resolved. This is often towards the end of the story, where loose ends are tied up, and the outcome of the conflict is revealed.
yes they did. problem solved. end of story. ha ha
The problem in a story is called the conflict.Also the solved problem is called the solution.
state a problem in the story and how it was solved black beautyAnna Sewell muffin classics
the solution is how the problem is solved in a story
The resolution of a story is the part of a book where everything gets solved.It is the end of the conflict, and how it turns out.
The solution is when the problem is solved. It can be anywhere - many stories have more than one problem in the plot. The conclusion is when it is the end of the story and everything draws to a close.
That is why there is 7 books. The problems are all solved in the end of the 7th book.
The resolution in the story "It" by Stephen King involves the Losers' Club defeating Pennywise by confronting their fears and believing in the power of their unity and friendship. They ultimately destroy Pennywise's physical form and seal away its influence in their town.