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Never heard of that one; but of course it is impossible for Jesus, as God, created Lucifer.

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Q: Was there a gnostic sect that viewed Jesus and Lucifer as two sides of the same person?
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Where did Satan get the keys?

According to Christian tradition, the keys of hell are believed to be in the possession of Jesus Christ, not Satan. The New Testament states that Jesus has the keys of death and Hades (hell), which symbolize his power and authority over these realms.

How do you differentiate gnostic gospels and canonical gospels?

gnostic gospels have a timeless, ahistorical, and almost disembodied character to them. Their Jesus has no racial identity, engages in no public debates, and indeed occupies no historical space at all. This Jesus not only did not die on a Roman cross and subsequently rise again, but could not have done so, since his very mission was to propound secretly to a small circle of disciples the unreality of what we take to be human life and death. Far from embracing a role in the Jewish story about God, creation, and Abraham and Sarah's children, the gnostic Jesus purports to expose all these as illusions conjured by a creator-god-a god intent on keeping a select few from transcending the material world of variation and change, of sex and procreation. These gospels, then, are far removed from the issues and controversies that would have arisen from a Jesus Christ situated in the story of Israel and the Jews. canonical gospels are appropriately defined as early Christian works that seek to present the significance and meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus by placing them in their proper religious-historical context, which includes, of course, the events of Jesus' public career.

How is the number thirteen related to Lucifer?

Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the Last Supper, and he betrayed Jesus Christ, and was thought to be possessed by Satan himself. It might also have to do with the fact that Judas' Satanic decision to betray Christ cost Judas his own sanity, which caused him to commit suicide. The above interpretation is the most traditional regarding Judas, though there is some new insight into his role as an Apostle that believes he did not actually betray Jesus.

Who was the name of the person who baptized Jesus?

It was Jesus' cousin John, known as John the Baptist.

Who was the first person to use money?


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Who wanted to be exalted lucifer or Jesus

Was Christ born before Lucifer?

Jesus Christ existed before Lucifer was created, but Lucifer existed before Jesus was incarnated.

Did Lucifer know that Jesus was God?

Yes he did, and still does.

Was LUCIFER created before Jesus?

In Christian theology, Lucifer is often associated with the fallen angel Satan. According to the Bible, Jesus predates all creation as the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, Jesus existed before Lucifer/Satan in this theological framework.

Does the LDS church believe Lucifer can tell the truth?

The LDS church believes Lucifer can tell the truth in somethings because he was once Jesus's brother. The LDS church also thinks that a person cannot sin until a certain age.

Do Mormons believe that Jesus was conceived by Lucifer?

No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the Father, not of Lucifer. You can learn more about what Mormons believe about Jesus Christ at the "Related Links" below.

What was the date Jesus and Lucifer were born?

Jesus was born probably around 4 BC. Lucifer better known as Satan or the devil, was never born, he was created at the begin of the world, he is an angel that rebelled against God.

Is michael the angel brother of lucifer?

Just as most things in Christianity (or any other religion for that matter) it depends on who you ask.Most people would probably say no however there are some possibilities of a yes.For example, some Gnostic sects regard Lucifer as 'the first-born son of God'. However even at that, take it as you will considering it could be implying that Lucifer and Jesus areindeed siblings however it could just be implying that Lucifer is the oldest angel or something along those lines.

Was St Andrew a Gnostic?

St. Andrew (brother of Simon Peter) was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus none of whom were gnostics. Scholars generally date the gnostic gopels to the early-mid 2nd century, long after Jesus and the apostles (including St. Andrew) were dead. The gnostic gospels (e.g., gospel of Thomas, etc.) were written by others over a century later.

Who is the evil one that jesus overcame?

Satan, Lucifer, the devil, whatever you want to call him/it.

Does luck mean lucifer?

No. Lucifer, son of the morningThis is the only verse in the bible that mentions Lucifer. Although most Christians consider Lucifer to be Satan (the devil), there is little biblical justification for doing so. In this verse "Lucifer" refers to the king of Babylon (Nebuchadrezzar?) and Lucifer (the light bearer) is also called the "son of the morning" or morning star. The only other person that is referred to in that way is Jesus (Rev.22:16Lucifer means the (shining one. Hebrew)(the bringer of dawn. Greek)(light bearer.Latin) as used in Isa 14:12 which is talking about how Satan himself was cast from heaven.The verse Rev 22:16 reads "'I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star." So in conclusion lucifer does not mean good luck nor does it have any connection with the bright morning which Jesus is referred.

How important was it that Jesus had a physical body?

A:For the early Gnostic Christians, it was not important that Jesus had a physical body, and many Gnostics believed otherwise. For them, not having a physical body was further evidence of Jesus' divinity.Another branch of Christianity, the forerunner of the Catholic-Orthodox Church, taught that Jesus had a physical body in order that he suffer pain on the cross. It was probably also important to deny any truth in Gnostic beliefs.