2,000,000,000 years ago was when they had used up all the crockery and needed some way of cleaning it.
If you count at 5 numbers per second it will take over 6000 years!
Approximately 38052 light years.
Divide your number by 9,460,730,472,580.8 (the distance of a light year in Kilometres) and you'll have your answer !... Hint: the answer is between 55 and 60 light years.
240 000 000
Fish were made about 100 000 000 years ago
If you count at 5 numbers per second it will take over 6000 years!
Approximately 38052 light years.
No. The Willandra Lakes Region has formed over 50 000 years and is created from the erosion of rocks and dirt over a long period of time. Hope this is helpful ;)
Madeira was officially discovered in 1419, making it over 600 years old.
2014 is 2014 AD (Anno Domini) years in the modern era - after Christ. Before that we talk about BC - beforer Christ, where there were millions of years. Of course there was no formal calendar until about 3000 years BC
Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface. It is impossible to tell exactly how much water is on Earth due primarily to the vast size of the Earth and also the amount of water in the air in the form of water vapor.Otherwise, the collective mass of water found on, under, and over the surface of a planet is called the hydrosphere. Earth's approximate water volume (the total water supply of the world) is 1 360 000 000 km³ (326 000 000 mi³ or 3.59×1020 US gallons). Of this volume:1 320 000 000 km³ (316 900 000 mi³ or 97.2%) is in the oceans.25 000 000 km³ (6 000 000 mi³ or 1.8%) is in glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets.13 000 000 km³ (3 000 000 mi³ or 0.9%) is groundwater.250 000 km³ (60 000 mi³ or 0.02%) is fresh water in lakes, inland seas, and rivers.13 000 km³ (3 100 mi³ or 0.001%) is atmospheric water vapor at any given time.--Wikipedia, (2009?)
Divide your number by 9,460,730,472,580.8 (the distance of a light year in Kilometres) and you'll have your answer !... Hint: the answer is between 55 and 60 light years.
240 000 000
Mount Ruapehu has been around for over 250 000 years.
5 000 000 000 years old :)