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Answer: 150 meters is just under 500 feet (492.125 feet).

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Q: Water resistance down to 150 meters 500 feet?
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Is a relic wet watch better than a regular relic when it comes to water resistance They both say up to 165 feet so I don't see the difference.?

Not familiar with the particular models, but if both are rated at 165 feet (100 meters, 10 ATM) water resistance there is no difference in water resistance. Your choice between the models mentioned presumably would be based on style/features other than water resistance ratings. Most manufacturers recommend use of their 100 milimeter (165 feet) models for swimming and shallow diving only. If the unit has a screw-down crown, ensure it is securely screwed down before water exposure. If the unit has pushers, make sure that the pushers are not used during water exposure. Hope that helps.

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It creates water resistance between the water and the feet to swim.

How deep down is the titanic?

about 12500 feet (3800 meters).

Is distance broken down in meters or feet?

It depends on which country you are in. The USA uses feet.

Your new Prospirit watch says that it is water resistant fifty meters If you were to go swimming for maybe two hours going no deeper than fifteen feet would this new ten dollar watch survive?

Yes......your watch will survive. Water resistance,specified at 50 meters, is based on water pressure caused by depth, not time. Fifteen feet is only about 5 meters. You could put the watch in the water for 2 days at only 15 feet and it should do just fine. You could scuba dive at 30 feet for 5 hours and the watch will survive.

How many zones are in the ocean?

There are 3 zones: 1) Sunlight zone- from the surface of the water to approx. 600 feet. 2) Twilight zone- 600 feet to about 2600 feet down. 3) Midnight zone- 2000 meters down to the sea-floor.

How deep is 25 bar in water depth?

25 bar is equivalent to approximately 250 meters (820 feet) of water depth.

How big is fenway park?

; Fenway Park measures 310 feet (94.5 meters) down the left field line: 379 feet (115.5 meters) in left center field; 390 feet (118.9 meters) in center field; 420 feet (128 meters) in deep center field; 380 feet (115.8 meters) in deep right field; and 302 feet (92 meters) down the right field line. ; ; The left field wall -- also known as the Green Monster -- measures 37 feet (11.3 meters) high. The center field wall is 17 feet (5.2 meters) high, the bullpen fences measure five feet (1.5 meters) and the right field fence is 3 to 5 feet (0.9 to 1.5 meters) high.

How many meters you are have in feet?

There are technically 3.28084 feet in one meter. Common measuring rounds that down to 3 feet, so there are three feet in one meter. Alternatively, there are 0.3048 meters in one foot.

What depth equals 20 bar?

One Bar is 10.2 Meters of fresh water or 9.0 meters of saltwater. it is 204 meters for fresh water. and 180 meters in salt water. :-)

600 meters is equal to how many feet?

600 feet = 182.88 meters

What is the water pressure at 406 meters deep in psi?

406 meters / 1,332.02 feet of water depth has a pressure of about 39.3 atmospheres or 577.6 psi.