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If the frequency is 1 Hz, the wavelength is 3 metres.

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Q: Waves are being sent through a Slinky at a frequency of Hz if the wave are traveling through the slinky at 3 metres per second what are their wavelengths?
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A slinky is stretched across a classroom to 9 meters A compression travels along the slinky at a velocity of 2 m s How long does it take to travel the entire 9m length of the classroom?

A slinky is stretched across a classroom to 9 meters. A compression travels along the slinky at a velocity of 2 m s . How long does it take to travel the entire 9m length of the classroom?

How many meters of wire does it take to make a slinky?

23.3 meters

How many inches of coiled flat wire were used to make the original slinky?

I don't know but the person who invented it was an airplane mechanic who was fiddling with the springs in a jet, so if you research into it you might be able to find yoru answer

Examples of open ended questions for children?

P-waves are type of elastic wave, also called seismic waves, that can travel through gasses (such as sounds), elastic solids and liquids, including the Earth. P-waves can be produced by earthquakes and recorded by seismometers. The name P-wave stands for primary wave, as the P-wave is the fastest among the elastic waves, compared to the S-waves. In isotropic and homogeneous solids, the polarization of a P-wave is always longitudinal; thus, the particles in the solid have vibrations along or parallel to the travel direction of the wave energy. In isotropic and homogeneous solids, the polarization of P-waves is always longitudinal. This means that the particles in the body have vibrations along or parallel to the direction of travel of the wave energy. Earthquake advance warning is possible by detecting the non-destructive primary waves that travel more quickly through the earth's crust than do the destructive secondary and Rayleigh waves. The amount of advance warning depends on the delay between the arrival of the P-wave and other destructive waves, generally on the order of seconds up to about a minute maximum for deep, distant, large quakes. The effectiveness of advance warning depends on accurate detection of the P-waves and compensation for ground vibrations caused by local activity (such as trucks or construction work). Almost all the information available on the structure of the Earth's deep interior is derived from observations of the travel times, reflections, refractions and phase transitions of seismic body waves, or normal modes. Body waves travel through the fluid layers of the Earth's interior, but P-waves are refracted slightly when they pass through the transition between the semisolid mantle and the liquid outer core. As a result, there is a P-wave "shadow zone" between 104° and 140°, where the initial P-waves are not registered on seismometers. In contrast, S-waves do not travel through liquids, rather, they are attenuated.A type of seismic wave, the S-wave, secondary wave, or shear wave (sometimes called an elastic S-wave) is one of the two main types of elastic body waves, so named because they move through the body of an object, unlike surface waves. The S-wave move as a shear or transverse wave, so motion is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation: S-waves, like waves in a rope, as opposed to waves moving through a slinky, the P-wave. The wave moves through elastic media, and the main restoring force comes from shear effects. These waves are divergenceless and obey the continuity equation for incompressible media: Its name, S for secondary, comes from the fact that it is the second direct arrival on an earthquake seismogram, after the compressional primary wave, or P-wave. Unlike the P-wave, the S-wave cannot travel through the molten outer core of the Earth, and this causes a shadow zone for S-waves opposite to where they originate. They can still appear in the solid inner core: when a P-wave strikes the boundary of molten and solid cores, called the Lehmann discontinuity, S-waves will then propagate in the solid medium. And when the S-waves hit the boundary again they will in turn create P-waves. In fact, this property allows seismologists to determine the nature of the inner core. The velocity of an S-wave in an isotropic medium can be described by the shear modulus μ and density ρ. As transverse waves, S-waves exhibit properties, such as polarization and birefringence, much like other transverse waves. S-waves polarized in the horizontal plane are classified as SH-waves. If polarized in the vertical plane, they are classified as SV-waves. When an S- or P-wave strikes an interface at an angle other than 90 degrees, a phenomenon known as mode conversion occurs. As described above, if the interface is between a solid and liquid, S becomes P or vice versa. However, even if the interface is between two solid media, mode conversion results. If a P-wave strikes an interface, four propagation modes may result: reflected and transmitted P and reflected and transmitted SV. Similarly, if an SV-wave strikes an interface, the same four modes occur in different proportions. The exact amplitudes of all these waves are described by the Zoeppritz equations, which in turn are solutions to the wave equation. In elastodynamics, Love waves are essentially horizontally polarized shear waves (SH waves) guided by an elastic layer, which is "welded" to an elastic half space on one side while bordering a vacuum on the other side. In seismology, Love waves (also named Q waves (Quer: German for lateral)) are surface seismic waves that cause horizontal shifting of the earth during an earthquake. A.E.H. Love predicted the existence of Love waves mathematically in 1911; the name comes from him (Chapter 11 from Love's book "Some problems of geodynamics", first published in 1911). They form a distinct class, different from other types of seismic waves, such as P-waves and S-waves (both body waves), or Rayleigh waves (another type of surface wave). Love waves travel with a slower velocity than P- or S- waves, but faster than Rayleigh waves. The particle motion of a Love wave forms a horizontal circle or ellipse moving in the direction of propagation. Moving deeper into the material, motion decreases to a "node" and then alternately increases and decreases as one examines deeper layers of particles. The amplitude, or maximum particle motion, decreases rapidly as one examines deeper layers of particles. Since Love waves travel on the Earth's surface, the strength (or amplitude) of the waves decrease exponentially with the depth of an earthquake. However, given their confinement to the surface, their amplitude decays only as, where r represents the distance the wave has traveled from the earthquake. Surface waves therefore decay more slowly with distance than do body waves, which travel in three dimensions. Large earthquakes may generate Love waves that travel around the Earth several times before dissipating. Love waves take a long time to dissipate due to the huge amount of energy that they contain. For this reason, they are most destructive within the immediate area of the focus or epicentre of an earthquake. They are what most people feel directly during an earthquake. In the past, it was often thought that animals like cats and dogs could predict an earthquake before it happened. However, they are simply more sensitive to ground vibrations than humans and able to detect the subtler waves that precede Love waves, like the P-waves and the S-waves.

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What happens to the amount of energy transferred through the slinky as the frequency incresases?

As the frequency increases, the amount of energy transferred through the slinky also increases. This is because higher frequencies correspond to higher energy levels per wave cycle, resulting in more energy being transferred through the slinky as the frequency goes up.

What happens to the frequency when you shake the slinky first slow then fast?

When you shake the slinky slowly, the frequency of the waves produced will be lower. As you shake it faster, the frequency of the waves will increase. This is because frequency is directly related to the rate at which the waves are produced.

What wave properties change when you shake a slinky more rapidly?

When you shake a slinky more rapidly, the frequency of the waves produced will increase. This means there will be more waves passing through a point in a given amount of time. Additionally, the amplitude of the waves may also increase, resulting in larger oscillations in the slinky.

What is the disturbance in a slinky wave?

A disturbance in a slinky wave refers to the physical displacement of the coils of the slinky from their equilibrium positions as the wave travels through it. This displacement creates the wave pattern that propagates through the slinky.

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How does sound travel through a slinky?

Sound waves travel through a slinky by causing the coils of the slinky to vibrate back and forth. The kinetic energy from these vibrations is transferred along the length of the slinky, allowing the sound wave to propagate. The density and elasticity of the slinky material help in transmitting the sound energy effectively.

How do particles move in a slinky?

When a slinky is compressed or stretched, particles within the slinky oscillate back and forth in a wave-like motion. The energy from compressing or stretching the slinky is transferred through these oscillating particles. As the energy travels through the slinky, it causes the particles to push against one another, creating the classic slinky wave effect.

How can you make compression wave using a slinky?

To create a compression wave in a slinky, you can compress one end and release it quickly. The compression will travel through the slinky as a wave, with the coils getting closer together and then returning to their original spacing. This is similar to how energy is transferred through a medium in a compression wave.

How would you create a standing wave on a slinky?

To create a standing wave on a slinky, you could hold one end of the slinky fixed while you move the other end up and down in a periodic motion. Adjust the frequency of your hand motion until you find a resonance frequency that creates a standing wave pattern in the slinky. The standing wave will have nodes (points of no motion) and antinodes (points of maximum motion) along its length.

What happens to the slinky wave when it reaches the second person?

When a slinky wave reaches the second person, the wave is transmitted through the slinky to the second person. The person may feel the wave energy passing through the slinky, causing it to vibrate and potentially move.

What 2 actions make up compression waves?

Compression waves involve two main actions: compressing the material or medium through which the wave is traveling (resulting in areas of high pressure) and creating a forward movement of that compressed material, like a pulse or wave traveling through a spring or a slinky.

The energy of visible light transported by electromagnetic waves are what type of waves?

Visible light is a type of electromagnetic wave that carries energy through oscillating electric and magnetic fields. It falls within a specific range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye.