Pythagoras's had five kids. three daughters named Myia, Arignote, and Arimnestes. two sons named Mnesarchus and Telauges. and a wife named Theano.
Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).
No, named is one syllable.
a parrallel line is named a parrallelogram
They were named after a town in Massachussets called Newton. There was a rumor that they were named after Sir Isaac Newton, but that was just a rumor.
The word 'named' has one syllable.
Yes she did she had to sons with him named telauges and mnesarchus
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, is not known to have had any children. He founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton, Italy, where he taught his followers about mathematics, music, and ethics. Pythagoras believed in the concept of metempsychosis, or the transmigration of the soul, and emphasized the importance of moral purity and intellectual pursuits.
Wife: Theano Father: Mnesarchus Mother: Pythais Son: Telauges and Mnesarchus That is all I know! Hope this helps! :) I think he had a daughter named Damo.
It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.It is named after the Football Association.
gym was named in ____ and was named by ____________ __________
It was named tin
It is named after the Roman god named Jupiter.
I was named after my Grandmother.
Named after what?
Shells are not named "Hebrew." They are named "Shells."
There is no saint named Scarlett.There is no saint named Scarlett.
A son named Sam, daughter named Jessica, son named Evan