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Q: Were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the International Home Show One of them was the father of the other's son How could this be possible?
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There were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the International Home Show One of them was the father of the other's son How could this be possible?

The other was the mother of the son.

Can you be an electrician and a plumber?


What job is most analogous to the job of an electrician?

a plumber

What are some job similarities to a construction worker?

Electrician and plumber

What profession would you want your mate to be?

plumber carpenter electrician chef mechanic doctor housekeeper

Who fixes a machine?

It depends on the type of machine. It could be a handyman, mechanic, electrician, plumber, engineer etc.

Do you need Permit to Finish Basement?

You will have to check you local codes. Sometimes if an outside plumber or electrician is involved they will have to pull a permit.

What profession would you want your mate to have because it be useful around hpuse?

plumber carpenter doctor housekeeper chef mechanic electrician

What occupation would earn wage?

Busboy, cook, waiter, plumber, electrician, musician ... just about anything except volunteer work.

What profession would you want to your mate to have just because it will be useful in the house?

house keeper, mechanic, plumber, carpenter, doctor, chef, electrician

Name a type of repairman you might call to your house in an emergency?

plumber electrician gas man heating air conditioner telephone service

Is it possible for a plumber to make 100k a year?

yes :)