If you multiply a number less than 1 by another number less than 1, then the product is less than either of the original numbers. The reason is that a number less than 1 represents a piece of 1 whole thing. Multiplying two numbers less than 1 represents taking a piece of a piece, and when you do that, you wind up with less than either one of the original pieces.
Negative numbers are less than zero and less than positive numbers, so that negative 12 is less than positive 11. To put it another way, if you have 11 dollars, but you owe 12 dollars, you will owe one dollar more than you have.
Yes Think of it this way: If you are 11 dollars in debt, that is worse than being 6 dollars in debt.
Of course. 73 alone is greater than 72 and any piece less than 1.
depends on your motives if you know what i mean ;]
Walmart has the seasons for 15 - 30 dollars a piece
replace all 4 of your ball joints this will solve the problem and they are less than 20 dollars a piece. you should be charged less than 125.00 to put them on.total $205.00
It depends on the quality of the swim suits. For two pieces, you can have a more variety of colors to choose from and you can mix and match, while for one piece, you would have to stick with one color.
replace all 4 ball joints. for less than $20 dollars a piece. you'll probally be charged $125 dollars to put them on. total $205
No, 10 is less than 18. Just like 10 dollars is less than 18 dollars.
If you multiply a number less than 1 by another number less than 1, then the product is less than either of the original numbers. The reason is that a number less than 1 represents a piece of 1 whole thing. Multiplying two numbers less than 1 represents taking a piece of a piece, and when you do that, you wind up with less than either one of the original pieces.
No where, sorry.
usaully 5 dollars or less than 20 dollars
Negative numbers are less than zero and less than positive numbers, so that negative 12 is less than positive 11. To put it another way, if you have 11 dollars, but you owe 12 dollars, you will owe one dollar more than you have.
You Can't.
no where
they collect less than 2 dollars then on sunday than saturday