In is an English prefix meaning "not". The word Justice comes from the Roman empiror Justinian who created a code of laws which systemized a legal system and created universal punishments for certain crimes.
I would say it is an act of despair. Can desparation be an injustice ? Hard to answer.
It s a shortained version of the word penis
It is the Latin word for 'over' or 'above'.
The word 'come' appears 1,663 times in the KJV Bible.
The word "cosine" comes from the New Latin word "cosinus".
The adjective for the word "injustice" is "injust."
The base word for "injustice" is "justice."
Injustice is a noun.
Another word for injustice is unfairness or inequity.
Injustice helped the murderer to escape his punishment
A synonym for the word "injustice" is "unfairness" or "inequity".
injustice.The opposite word for justice is the word injustice.
I have several sentences for you.The world is full of injustice.Mike became a policeman to fight injustice.It's an injustice to judge people before you know them.
Abuse of power.
Jane suffered injustice when she was convicted for a crime she didn't commit.
Well, honey, the suffix to the word "injustice" is "-ice." It's as simple as that. Just slap it on the end and call it a day.