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Q: Were fractals discovered or invented
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Where were fractals discovered?

Fractals were discovered in 1975 by a scientist names Benoit Mandelbrot.

Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what mathematical structures?


When were fractals discovered?

Benoit Mandelbrot is the man who is usually credited to have discovered fractals in the year 1975. He was the first person to use this word and was also the first man to represent them in visual form. But history also shows that some facts about fractals were known to mathematicians as early as the 17th century.

Who discovered fractals?

Benoît B. Mandelbrot[ is a French mathematician, best known as the father of fractal geometry

What are fractals of pi?

Pi is a number. There are no fractals of pi.

How are mountains and crystals fractals?

Crystals are usually not fractals.

Who has made the most fractals?

Nobody. Fractals are not owned by anyone!

When was The Beauty of Fractals created?

The Beauty of Fractals was created in 1986.

How and when was solar energy discovered or invented?

Solar energy was discovered in the 19th century when photovoltaic effect was first observed. In 1839, Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, which laid the foundation for the development of solar panels to harness solar energy. Since then, advancements in technology have made solar energy a viable and sustainable source of power.

What are some common techniques for generating fractals?

Some common techniques for generating fractals would be to use iterated function systems, strange attractors, escape-time fractals, and random fractals.

Who discovered sigma notation?

Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.Sigma notation was invented, not discovered.

What are the list of fractals?

There are infinitely many fractals so no list can exist.