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Q: Were the chaldeans the first to have a 7 day week?
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What is Chaldean?

Chaldeans are the people who took over Mesopotamiafrom the Assyrians from605bc to 562bc. They made major landmarks in Babylon, and they developed first 7 day week calendar.

What were the accomplishments of the Chaldeans?

Some accomplishments of the Chaldeans were: the sun dial, and the 7 day week. Chaldea is acually neo babalonia or new babylon, so they still had the hanging gardens, which are also an achievement.

What are the inventions of the chaldeans?

7-day calendarHanging gardens

Whats the legacy of the Chaldeans?

The Chaldeans left us many traditions, but you'll experience one of them every time you check the time, because the 60-minute hour and the 24-hour day are their inventions. They're also partly responsible for the 7-day week (the Hebrews hallowed it, but the Chaldeans used it first) and the 360-degree circle. If you're wondering how their contemporaries, the Egyptians, told time, they used a 10-day week and a 10-hour day with 100 minutes to the hour. About 200 years ago, the French tried to go back to telling time the Egyptian way, but it didn't work out.

Was Nebuchadnezzar great or not and explain?

Nebuchadnezzer was king of the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia. The Chaldeans were the first people to make a 7-day week (they captured Ninevah in 612 B.C.). Nebuchadnezzer built the Hanging Gardens (one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World) for his homesick, foreign wife. So he probably was considered great! P.S. If you're studying or learning about Mesopotamia, might want to check out Hammurabi! :-)

What day of the week comes 7 day after the first day of April?

That will depend on what day of the week the 1st of April is on. Whatever day of the week it is on, if you are taking the 8th of April as being 7 days later, then it will be on the day of the week after the day of the week of the 1st of April. So, for example, if the 1st of April was on a Saturday, then the 8th of April would be on a Sunday.

Which day is celebrated as vanmahotsav day?

First week of July ( 1-7 July ) is celebrated as vanmahotsav day.

What major contributions did the Chaldeans make?

They built a glorious empire.They saved themselves from massive challenges.They built a very nice empire. They also avoided challenges.they created the 7-day week, built the hanging gardens which was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

Can you explain how you get how many hours in a week?

First you know there are 7 days in a week. There are 24 hours in a day. Do 7*24 to account for 7 days with 24 hours each.

What part of 1 week is 1 day?

1 week = 7 days 1/7 week = 1 day

What is the eighth day of the week?

A week is 7 days long, there is no 8th day in a week.

Numger of hours in a week?

In order to figure out the number of hours in a week, you first have to know the number of hours in a day, which is 24. Then, you multiply that by 7, since there are 7 days in a week. The answer is 168 hours.