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Only two. Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold. there were no more.

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Q: Were there multiple shooters in Columbine?
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How many people died in columbine?

15, including the shooters.

What was the Names of the shooters in the colinbine shooting?

The name of the school is Columbine, the names of the shooters were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

Who is Eric Harris?

He was one of the shooters in the Columbine High School massacre in 1999

Did eminem arm the columbine shooters?

No. Can't imagine anyone would believe that.

How are the Columbine Shootings and Hitler's birthday related?

The Columbine shootings happened on Hitler's birthday, 20 April, which has led to speculations that the shooters were neo-Nazis.

Are the shooters from Columbine alive?

No, the killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold ended the massacre by committing suicide.

Who were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold?

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were 2 high school kids that went to Columbine High. They were the "shooters" of The Columbine High School Massacre, killing 12 students, 1 teacher and themselves (they committed suicide). Eric was 18 and Dylan was 17 at the time of the shooting.

Who were the columbine shooters?

Eric harris and Dylan Klebold. It was a sad day for everyone

Why did the columbine shooters do this?

The motives behind the Columbine shooting are complex and have been widely debated. Factors such as mental health issues, a desire for revenge, bullying, and a fascination with violence have been suggested as possible reasons for why the shooters carried out the attack. Ultimately, the shooters' exact motivations may never be fully understood.

Who was the shooter at Columbine High School?

Actually the question would be, "Who were the shooters at Columbine High School?" Only because there were two shooters who were also seniors at the high shcool, their names were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

How many students were killed in the Columbine HS shootings in 1999?

12 students were killed in the Columbine High School shootings in 1999.

How many students were injured in the Columbine massacre?

The Columbine High School Massacre resulted in 15 deaths (including the 2 shooters who committed suicide) and 24 injuries.