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If you just want to roll a die and not learn how to do it, you can type "roll a die" into Google, and it will have a six-sided die for you to roll right on that page. Other sizes of dice rollers will be available in the search results as well. If you want to learn how to do it in Excel though, that is below:

If you want to simulate the outcome of throwing a pair of dice (two die), it is easy and I will explain how to do this with Excel.

A single die has a discrete uniform distribution, with values from 1 to 6. Some programs have a built in function for computing random values. Excel does not, but it does have a built in continuous random number generator rand() from 0 to 1. Rand() will generate numbers above 0 and below 1, so if I multiply the numbers by 6, I will have numbers above 0 and below 6. I will take this number and use the int function to round down the number to the next lowest whole number, so now I have discrete numbers from 0 to 5. I can add one to these numbers and now I have random numbers 1 to 6.

So, in Excel you can use int(rand()*6)+1 to obtain the random numbers. I can put this equation in a second cell, and add them together. You can copy this equation many times and obtain many simulated throws of dice. In Excel, you can hit the F9 key and execute this program, obtaining different random numbers.

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You don't. The rolling of dice is a uniformly random proposition. Cheating at dice is illegal, and WikiAnswers does not give information about illegal activity.

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