Numerals are the characters that make up numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9) and a number is something that represents a quantity.
Whats the difference between maths lit and pure maths
The difference between 309 and 132 is 177 numbers.
16 = XVI
There really is no difference except the number and whats playin.
-4 is a negative number and is less then zero, 4 is a positive number and is more then zero.
what's the difference between rival and copetitor?
whats the difference between cost and list?
what is difference between accounts and engineering
Whats the difference between maths lit and pure maths
There is a difference
There are no difference between them they are the same thing.
The difference between 309 and 132 is 177 numbers.