ten not finished
The word 'finished' is mentioned 42 times in the KJV Bible.
Future perfect is formed with -- will + have + past participle will have finished -- I will have finished by tomorrow night. will have arrived -- The bus will have arrived by now.
you finished your dinner
Pentagon was finished in 1943.
An experiment is a method of testing whether something is right. A conclusion is the answer which is reached once the experiment is finished.
done, completed, terminated
'The egg timer has finished' is a statement in the present perfect tense. Here it is in question form: Has the egg timer finished?
When the product is sold and has left the finished goods.
to be done or near done to be overwith or close to being finished
You conclude because at the end of an essay, you have (hopefully) proved something: your conclusion is your opportunity to sum up what you proved, and to put a final point on your essay. Generally, the conclusion is the final thing you write in an essay, and it either provides a summation of your research, or a summation of the argument you used to defend your thesis statement. The concluding paragraph ends the essay in an interesting way, letting the reader know you have now finished presenting your ideas.
You restate your points from the essay and summarize them. The conclusion comes from what you've already written, so you can't write that until you've finished the essay.
Nancy Pelosi's term ends at the conclusion of the 117th Congress, which is scheduled for January 3, 2023.
Your score would be the highest when the game has finished.
She finished her project ahead of schedule, and moreover, it exceeded all expectations.
Its impact on people is studied by sociologists. Just finished my quiz on apex. :)
The statement, He finished the apprenticeship then he left the village, gives two thoughts but doesn't connect them together. You could use (comma), and then.... Or, you could rewrite the sentence completely:After he finished his apprenticeship, the young man left the village.