72 divided by 16 = 4.5 Therefore 16 does not go into 72 without decimals
Ramiro II of Aragon died on 1157-08-16.
16% = 0.16 in decimal
Yes. Example: 16/32 can be divided because 16 is a multiple of 32 so the answer would be 2. You can also divide high term fractions to get decimals. Hope this helps!
16 divided by #
32 divided by 2 equals 16. 48divided by 3 equals 16. 64 divided by 4 equals 16. 16 divided by 1 equals 16.
The first thing you have to do is figure out by what number both 64 and 100 are divisable. If you want to stay in fractions and not use any decimals then the highest number you can use is 4. both numbers are divisable by 4. 64 divided by 4 is 16 and 100 divided by 4 is 25. Since 100 cannot be reduced any further without turning it into a decimal, 4 is the number you want to use. 16/25ths is the answer you seek.