14.767 can be rounded to 15 if it is to be rounded to the nearest whole number. If it is rounded to the next significant digit, it would be 14.77, or 14.8 if rounded to one decimal place.
If 14.51 is rounded to 15, then it is rounding to the nearest whole number.
It is already rounded to the nearest tenth as 15.5
1234 Ballard street
14.767 can be rounded to 15 if it is to be rounded to the nearest whole number. If it is rounded to the next significant digit, it would be 14.77, or 14.8 if rounded to one decimal place.
If 14.51 is rounded to 15, then it is rounding to the nearest whole number.
It can be rounded to 15 to the nearest integer
It is 15 rounded to the nearest whole number
47.124 inches (rounded)
Rounded to the nearest whole number it is 15
one thousand million=15 billion 1 billion/ 15 billion = 1/15= 0.0666