Be very careful! If you're just starting out learning how to divide fractions, remember this. You do not need to have a common denominator! And, you do not divide straight through-in the denominator or numerator.
Students have the tendency to do the following when the denominators are the same:
is the wrong answer
Happens to be the right answer but the procedure is completely wrong. Which means you lucked out. If you apply the same procedure to a different set of fractions, the answer will most likely be incorrect.
Correct procedure
34×41=34×41= [It’s always the right fraction that gets flipped and ÷÷ changes to ××]
After, becoming well versed in dividing fractions, you will see that there are times when you can divide straight through. That is,
𝑎𝑏÷𝑐𝑑=ab÷cd = does equal = 𝑎÷𝑐𝑏÷𝑑=a÷cb÷d
I believe others have posted why. But, if it's too much to remember just stick with the general procedure above.
43/4 divided by 11/4 is 3.8 or 34/5
Yes, it can - there is a common factor of 2 between 14 and 34 by which they can each be divided.
The LCM of 14 and 10 is 70. 70 divided by 34 is 2.05882352941176
Not evenly, 48 divided by 34 equals 1 with a remainder of 14.
494 divided by 14 is 35 with remainder 4
The density of the object is 34 grams divided by 14 milliliters, which equals to 2.43 grams per milliliter.
GCD(14, 34) = 2GCD(14, 34) = 2GCD(14, 34) = 2GCD(14, 34) = 2