91 divided by 3 is 30 remainder 1, or it's 30.333333333333333333~to be continued~.So how? You just divide it with long division. sorry I can't show you, but this computer can't do long division. If someone improves this answer because they CAN do long division, thank you for that.
Well, honey, if you want to know what divided by 6 equals 5, the answer is 30. It's simple math, darling. Just divide 30 by 6 and you'll see that equals 5. Math doesn't have to be a headache, sugar, just a little bit of division and you're good to go.
4 weeks and 2 days. 30 divided by 7 equals 4 with 2 remaining.
91 divided by 3 is 30 remainder 1, or it's 30.333333333333333333~to be continued~.So how? You just divide it with long division. sorry I can't show you, but this computer can't do long division. If someone improves this answer because they CAN do long division, thank you for that.
210 divided by -7
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
30+30+14 divided by 2=37