You divide, in this case, 37 by 9 (division with remainder).The result is the whole number; write the remainder over the 9, for the fractional part.
Divide the numerator by the denominator. The number above the line is the whole number and the remainder over the divisor is the fraction. For example: 37/5 Divide 37 by 5. The whole number is 7 (5 X 7 is 35). The remainder is 2, so the fraction is 2/5. The mixed number is 7 2/5.
974 divided by 37 is 26 with remainder 12.
To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number divide the numerator by the denominator to get a whole number quotient and a remainder. The quotient is the whole number and the remainder is put as the numerator over the original denominator to create the fraction. 37/6 → 37 ÷ 6 = 6 r 1 → 37/6 = 6 1/6
You divide, in this case, 37 by 9 (division with remainder).The result is the whole number; write the remainder over the 9, for the fractional part.
Divide the numerator by the denominator. The number above the line is the whole number and the remainder over the divisor is the fraction. For example: 37/5 Divide 37 by 5. The whole number is 7 (5 X 7 is 35). The remainder is 2, so the fraction is 2/5. The mixed number is 7 2/5.
Bn = 37n+1, where n is a positive integer from 1 to infinity, therefore there exists an infinite number of numbers that can be divided into 37 and leave 1 as a remainder
37/8 = 4.625 which can be rounded to 5 as a whole number.
Example: 37/10 to a mixed number.37 / 10 = 3 remainder 7Use the 3 as the whole number, and the 7 as the numerator, and the 10 remains the denominator, thus: 3 7/10