Do nothing! 804 is already rounded off to the nearest whole number.
you round it off to the nearest whole this case the answer is 93
If you round 84.732 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 85.
If you round 56.1 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 56.
To the nearest whole number, 40
You have to check arethnic but when you round 7.4 to the nearest whole number your answer should be 5.************************************The nearest whole number to 7.4 is 7.0
Do nothing! 804 is already rounded off to the nearest whole number.
you round it off to the nearest whole this case the answer is 93
If you round 738.29 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 738.
If you round 84.732 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 85.
If you round 56.1 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 56.
To the nearest whole number, 3
the answer is 2
It is 8.
To the nearest whole number, 40