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Peihan Yu

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Q: What runs faster than a snowman?
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There are 3 people number 1 is faster than number 2 number 2 is faster than number 3 number 3 is faster than number 1 who's the fastest?

It is impossible to answer because 1 runs faster than 2, 2 runs faster than 3, but 3 runs faster than 1. This is an example of a circular argument to which there is no solution. Unless of course it is a riddle.

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A thousand times faster.

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Some girls run faster than boys and some boys run faster than girls

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no the puma runs faster

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he just runs faster than who hes after. and he sure knows how to chill. and i was him for halloween.

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It runs about 30miles faster than a house cat.

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Who can run faster than a cheetah?

No animal runs faster than the cheetah for the cheetah is the fastest land animal

Why will a snowman without a jacket on melt quicker than one with a jacket on?

The snowman without a jacket will melt quicker because the jacket helps insulate the snowman and retain its body heat. Without the jacket, the snowman is exposed directly to the external temperature, causing it to melt faster. The jacket acts as a barrier, slowing down the transfer of heat from the environment to the snowman's body.