To make a percentage a decimal, move the decimal point two places to the left, so 7.0% is .007 as a decimal.
In order to write 6 007 200 on word form it would be six million seven thousand two hundred.
To convert decimals to fractions 0.07 = 0.07/1.00 NB Note there are two decimal places in the 0.07 , so two decimal zeroes in the denominator. Next cancel down the decimal points 007/100 The two 'zeroes' prefixed to '7' are trivial and can be dropped. Hence 007/100 = 7/100 It follows that 0.07 = 7/100 NB If the decimal is 0.007 , then it is 0.007/1.000 = 7/1000 et.seq.
There is no decimal word for 0.185 A normal phrase (not a word, nor decimal) is one hundred eighty five thousandths.
what is 0.83 in decimal word pls pls pls answer
007 is James Bond's code number.
To make a percentage a decimal, move the decimal point two places to the left, so 7.0% is .007 as a decimal.
To convert any decimal to percent you just multiply by 100. In this case, 0.007 × 100 = 0.7%
The decimal 0.07 is written as 7/100 in the form of a fraction.7/100
Six million seven thousand two hundred would be the way to write 6 007 200 in word form.
The correct word form of 6 007 200 is six million seven thousand two hundred.
In order to write 6 007 200 on word form it would be six million seven thousand two hundred.
To convert decimals to fractions 0.07 = 0.07/1.00 NB Note there are two decimal places in the 0.07 , so two decimal zeroes in the denominator. Next cancel down the decimal points 007/100 The two 'zeroes' prefixed to '7' are trivial and can be dropped. Hence 007/100 = 7/100 It follows that 0.07 = 7/100 NB If the decimal is 0.007 , then it is 0.007/1.000 = 7/1000 et.seq.
which bond there's lots 007 Saiken
You move the decimal on 0.07 two places to the right like so 007. then you take off the zeros and you have a 7%.