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Q: What 0.5 change to a precent?
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What is 1.0 as a precent?

Multiply it to change it into a percentage and so it is 100%

What is 23 converted in precent?

Simply multiply it by 100 to change it into a percentage

How will you change precent to decimal?

To change a percent into a decimal divide it by 100 for example 75% = 0.75

1.2 as a precent?

0.5 as a precent?

What is 1.5 as a precent?

1/10 as a precent

What percent of children attend school?

The precent of children in Zimbabwe attending school dropped from 80 precent to 20 precent as of 2008

Who are the majority of abductors?

25 precent are women and 75 precent are men

What precent is 10 out of 25 precent?

10 out of 25 is 40 percent

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