1000000000000 + 1751904789748648678657834 = 1751904789749648678657834?
Get a calculator and/or a life
1000 x 1000000000000 = 1000000000000000
To find 10 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 1000000000000 = 100000000000. Therefore, 10 percent of 1000000000000 is 100000000000.
One trillion.
1000000000000 + 1751904789748648678657834 = 1751904789749648678657834?
Get a calculator and/or a life
1000000000000-8000000 = 999992000000
1000000000000-50000000 = 999950000000
.07* 1000000000000=70000000000
7 percent of a trillion = 700000000007% of 1000000000000= 7% * 1000000000000= 0.07 * 1000000000000= 70000000000
7 percent of a trillion = 700000000007% of 1000000000000= 7% * 1000000000000= 0.07 * 1000000000000= 70000000000
1000 x 1000000000000 = 1000000000000000
1 percent of a trillion dollars = = $100000000001% of $1000000000000= 1% * $1000000000000= 0.01 * $1000000000000= $10000000000