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an ellipse, one of the four types of "conic sections": ellipse, circle, parabola, and hyperbola

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Q: What 2D shape looks like a squashed circle and no straight edges?
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How many sides does a semi-circle have?

Two: a straight line and a curved line.

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Mercury's orbit looks the least like a circle compared to other planets in our solar system. Its highly elliptical orbit is the most elongated, meaning it is more stretched out and not as round as other planets' orbits.

What is one sixths of a circle?

-- One sixth of a circle is a shape that looks like a piece of pie or an ice cream cone. -- It is called a "sector". -- The two straight lines meet at an angle of 60 degrees. -- The length of the curved line is (pi)R/3 . That's about 1.05 times the length of one of the straight lines.

How do you draw a Sikh symbol?

draw a simple circle first, then you draw a straight sword going through the circle and by the handle of the straight sword, you draw two curved swords on either side so it looks like this. By Paramjot Singh Johal

What does edge detector filter do in image processing?

This command looks for object edges, object edges or any edges are determined wit difference between neighboring pixels.