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blue and yellow:)

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Q: What 2 colors make green?
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What 2 colors make sap green?

Green and white.

What 2 colors make blue green?

Your question answers itself. Blue and Green make Blue-Green.

What 2 or 3 colors make green?

yellow and blue

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How many colors can you make from two colors?

If you start with 2 colors you can make many hues of one color from them. For example, blue and yellow can only make different hues of green. But you can differentiate yellow-green anf blue-green from them.

What 2 colors make brown?

red and green,equal proportions of each!

What 2 colors make spring green?

lighgt blue and light yellow

What are the two colors that makes up green?

Yellow and blue make green. It will depend on the color tone and strength of these 2 individual colors as to which shade of green you end up with.Yellow and blue.

How many colour you can create from yellow and how?

You can make 2 basic colors, green and orange by mixing yellow with red you can create orange. blue and yellow is green. But to make other colors, just mix in yellow to green to make lime, yellow to orange to make a peach.

What 2 different colors exept blue and yellow make green?

blueblue and yellowyellow

What two colors combine to make the color green?

The colors blue and yellow combine to make the color green.

What to colors What two colors make green?

dark green and white or yellow and blue