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Q: What 2 common features do grass and roses share?
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Similar features in organisms that do not share ancestry means both organisms adapted to their environment. They developed the features to survive.

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All congressional members share some common features in the United States. They must all be at least 25 years of age, and they have all been elected to their positions.

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An area with common physical features is called a region. Regions may share characteristics such as climate, landforms, vegetation, or geology.

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the languages pass on to diffrent generation and change over time.

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The wings of birds and bees are an example of analogous features, as they have evolved independently in each group and do not share a common ancestry that possessed wings. Homologous features are those that are inherited from a common ancestor and are usually more similar in structure.

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No, they are fully different religions with different faiths.Buddhists and Muslims do not share the same religious views especially Theravada Buddhists who don't worship a "god"Buddhists share some common features with Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. however. Muslims have some common features with Jews and Christians.

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Pandas share their gametes directly, Roses employ other animals to do this task.

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They share grass

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All animals nned to eat, breathe, and reproduce in order to live and sustain their species.

What wildlife grows on mountains?

bushes, grass and trees are common flora (plants) and mountain goats (sounds pretty obvious) also share this habitat