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It depends on the time.

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Q: What 2 factors determine the number of hours of daylight at a particular time?
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Which two factors determine the number of hours of daylight at a particular location?

The latitude of the location and the time of year (season) are the main factors that determine the number of hours of daylight at a particular location. Locations closer to the poles have longer daylight hours in summer due to the Earth's tilt, while locations near the equator have more consistent daylight hours throughout the year.

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A prime number only has two factors. If the number you're looking at has more than two factors, it is not prime.

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You determine it by the denominator.

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Odd. I determined my answer by looking at the number of factors of a square number.

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A composite number is a positive integer with more than two factors.

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A prime number has only 2 factors which are itself and one whereas a composite number has more than two factors.