Yes, 1 fifth is equal to 2 tenths. Both fractions represent the same proportion of a whole, with one fifth being equivalent to two tenths.
There are many fractions that are equal to one fifth. To find them, you multiply any whole number, (1/5 times 2) and find the answer. (2/10) When you reduce two tenths, (or any fraction) divide 2/10 by 2 and get 1/5. Two tenths and one fifth are equal.
There are infinite equivalent fractions, because 6/10 can be equal to 6,000/10,000. The amount of equivalent fractions with smaller numerals is 1; 3/5
This is closest to 6 tenths in units or 6-1/4 tenths if fractions are allowed.
1/10 x 1/100 = 1/1000
Yes, 1 fifth is equal to 2 tenths. Both fractions represent the same proportion of a whole, with one fifth being equivalent to two tenths.
There are many fractions that are equal to one fifth. To find them, you multiply any whole number, (1/5 times 2) and find the answer. (2/10) When you reduce two tenths, (or any fraction) divide 2/10 by 2 and get 1/5. Two tenths and one fifth are equal.
One-fourth is not larger then Four-tenths. One-fourth is equal to .25 of 1 Four-tenths is equal to .40 of 1.
I just did fractions and I think 1/1
There are infinite equivalent fractions, because 6/10 can be equal to 6,000/10,000. The amount of equivalent fractions with smaller numerals is 1; 3/5
It is 1/2
Multiply them together. For example one half of three tenths is 1/2 x 3/10 =3/20
Fractions will always equal 1 when their numerator is the same as their denominator
No. Two tenths is equal to 0.2.
7/10 - 1/5 = 7/10 - 2/10 = 5/10 = 1/2