K and M
working out equivelent fractions is simple you take a fraction-in you case 1/2 and do the same to each number in the fraction. You can multiply or divide but you can't add or subtract for example you can double both 1 and 2 and get 2/4 you could times both by 1000 and get 1000/2000 All of these are equivelent fractions
First you would have to find the greatest common factor of 58 and 1000. Then you would divide that into both 58 and 1000 to get your answer. Since the GCF of both te numbers is 2, then you divide both numbers by 2. The answer would be 29 out of 500. GCf: GCF stands for greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of two numbers is the largest number that can go into both of them. You need to use the GCF to put numbers in their simplest form.
1000000, 100^3=1000000, and 1000^2=1000000
K and M
Two - D & G are both worth 2pts a piece.
Instrument 2 words both 4 letters
heartache or headache
both are planets both have 5 letters in their name both have 2 vowels and 3 consenants
The HCF is 125
That is a difficult questionthere are 2 Greek number systemsone uses letters like the Romansx=1000 M=10000the other uses letters of the Greek alphabetfor this method look at the linkhttp://www.gap-system.org/~history/HistTopics/Greek_numbers.html
The factors of 2 are 1 and 2 The factors of 1000 are 1 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 5 The greatest common factor is the one which is "greatest" and also "common to both", i.e. can be found in both sets of factors. So the answer is 2