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15 and -3

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Q: What 2 numbers multiplied together equal negative 45 but added together equal 12?
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What 2 numbers added equal -12 and multiplied equal 292?

No two numbers exist.for the two numbers to be added to be negative and multiplied to be positive, both numbers must be negative, and the highest possible multiplication for two numbers added to -12 would be (-6 and -6) but multiplied, yields 36. So, no such numbers would exist.

What two numbers added together equal negative 1 when their multiplied together?

The two numbers that satisfy this condition are -1 and 1. When added together, -1 + 1 equals 0, and when multiplied, -1 * 1 equals -1. These numbers have the unique property that their sum is 0 while their product is -1.