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hockey and soccer

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Q: What 2 sports are related activities that produce projectile motion paths?
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Related questions

How is projectile motion related to satellite motion?

Projectile motion and satellite motion both involve an object moving through a gravitational field. However, satellites are in a state of continuous free fall around a celestial body, while projectiles follow a parabolic path with a defined initial velocity and angle. Additionally, satellites have a stable orbit due to their speed and altitude, while projectiles experience a temporary motion before returning to the ground.

How does the gravity affect the two components of projectile motion?

Projectile motion has two components horizontal motion and vertical motion. Gravity affects only the vertical motion of projectile motion.

Which would be most affeceted by gravitational force?

motion of a projectile

Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion . in two -dimensional motion that is not projectile motion , ____ is not accelerating the objective?


Can you think of some other sports or activities that don't use balls where knowledge of projectile motion is also important?


What Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?

Circular motion is a type of two-dimensional motion that is not always projectile motion. In circular motion, such as a car driving around a curve or a satellite orbiting a planet, the object is constantly changing its direction without necessarily being launched upwards. This motion can involve acceleration due to the changes in velocity direction.

What is Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?


What type of motion describes the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile follows uniform motion, meaning it moves at a constant velocity in the absence of air resistance or other forces. This motion is independent of the vertical motion of the projectile.

How do you improve projectile motion?

To improve projectile motion, you can adjust the initial velocity, launch angle, or launch height of the projectile. By optimizing these parameters, you can achieve greater distance, height, or accuracy in the motion of the projectile. Additionally, reducing air resistance and wind can also help improve the overall projectile motion.

The height of a projectile in motion is dependent on what?

Projectile motion is a form of motion wherein an object moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. The height of a projectile in motion is dependent on gravity.

What kind of motion is projectile motion?


What effect does mass have on projectile motion?

The mass of a projectile has no direct effect on its horizontal motion in projectile motion. However, a heavier mass may affect the projectile's vertical motion by influencing factors such as initial velocity, air resistance, and gravity, which can impact its trajectory.