The number 34.5 can be written as a fraction in many different ways. One of them is 34 1/2. This is a combination of whole number and fraction. You could also write it as 69/2.
Oh, isn't that a lovely number? Let's turn 345 into a fraction in its simplest form. We can write it as 345/1 because any number divided by 1 is the number itself. And that's all there is to it, just a simple and beautiful fraction.
0.345% = 69/20000
172.5 = 1725/10 = 345/2
3.45 = 345/100 = 69/20
It is simply: 345/1 as an improper fraction
345 % = 345/100 = 69/20.
345/1000 or 69/200
3.45 as an improper fraction is 345/100.
Oh, isn't that a lovely number? Let's turn 345 into a fraction in its simplest form. We can write it as 345/1 because any number divided by 1 is the number itself. And that's all there is to it, just a simple and beautiful fraction.
0.345% = 69/20000
It is 345/999 = 115/333
3.45 345/100
0.345 = 345/1000 = 69/200 0.345 recurring = 0.345345345.... = 345/999 = 115/333
3 9/20 or 69/20