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A sphere !

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Q: What 3 dimensional figure does a softball look like?
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What is a three- dimensional soild figure look like?

A three dimensional solid figure looks like a cube or a prism. Pyramids are three dimensional solid figures as well.

What does it look like in a tesseract?

A tesseract is a four-dimensional shape, so it is impossible for humans to visualize it in our three-dimensional world. We can only represent it through mathematical models or computer graphics that attempt to depict how it would appear if we could see in four dimensions.

What does a rectangle with the area of 12cm3 look like?

An impossibility. An area is a 2-dimensional measure whereas the figure in the question is a 3-dimensional measure of volume. The two are measures of different things and there is no relationship between them.

What does Washington State University softball uniforms look like?

they look like nerds

What does a four dimensional spiral look like?

It looks like a spiral in 4-dimensional space!

What does two dimensional photographs look like?

Any photo that isn't a 3-dimensional photo is a 2-dimensional photo.

What does a bar diagram look like?

one dimensional

What des a 3-dimensional tetrahedron look like?

A tetrahedron is 3-dimensional and so it looks just like an ordinary tetrahedron.

What does two-dimensional shapes look like?

"2-dimensional" means "flat". Anything you can draw on paper is a 2-dimensional shape.

What does one dimensional figures look like?

I think it's like lines or something

What does a 2-dimensional shape look like?

drawing of a circle or triangle